Egg and Bunny Wood Plaque

$10.00 $7.50

Freestanding egg and bunny cutout

3/4″ birch

13 3/4″ wide,  4″ tall

3 eggs and 2 bunnies connected into one shape




2 in stock|You can buy more than what is in stock.

SKU: NS--3E2B Category:


This is so cute, Easter bunnies and Easter eggs in one freestanding shape. This is sure to be a fun project for anyone, or to make for a cherished gift.

In stock: If an order contains all in-stock items, it will ship faster. This is typically within 1-3 business days. If you order more than what we have in stock, that item is considered out of stock and the whole order will ship in about two weeks. Not in stock: If an order contains any items not in stock, the order will ship complete in about two weeks. Sometimes, our counts will be off, and we must make some items. We move these orders to the top of the list and complete them quickly as possible.