Wooden Cupcake Cutout

$1.25$9.25 $0.94$6.94

Announce birthdays with a cupcake door hanger. The smaller sizes can be used for wreaths or replaceable HOME sign shapes.

  • 1/4″ thick
  • Made in the USA!
  • Minimum (2) on all 6″ Orders
SKU: N/A Category:


I love cupcakes and I love this door hanger. Paint it up like your favorite bakery treat and welcome guests to your home on a sweet note. Paint one for each of your children and hang it on your front door for their birthday week to make them know how special they are. When having family and friends in your home to honor their birthday or anniversary what better way to welcome them but with this painted with the occasion and their name.

Additional information

Dimensions .25 in
In stock: If an order contains all in-stock items, it will ship faster. This is typically within 1-3 business days. If you order more than what we have in stock, that item is considered out of stock and the whole order will ship in about two weeks. Not in stock: If an order contains any items not in stock, the order will ship complete in about two weeks. Sometimes, our counts will be off, and we must make some items. We move these orders to the top of the list and complete them quickly as possible.